. -- walter williams jr.'s shooting? what is the impact on voting?ot exactly sure what the impact on the elector is at this point. law and order is the sick -- the polle biggest issue in one . during the primary election, there were also protests. or i were not as ardent guess inflammatory, but these are more intense, and i think there is fear among county election officials, that this could disrupt the election of the election. i think it is still to be determined. i would like to do more reporting on that, but we are on the western side of the state. i think it is something to pay attention to. state of earlyhe voting in pennsylvania, and how will it work on election night? tost: early voting had come an end this past tuesday because that was the deadline in pennsylvania to apply for a mail-in ballot. so pennsylvania was basically letting you go with your county election boxes, and to all in one stop, apply, fill out your ballot, and return it again. that came to an ed -- to an end. so far mail-in ballots being knocked off, there have been more tha