wanda james still sports the president, but is not shy about what could happen. >> he will lose californiaf he doesn't find a way to fix this issue. >> pass or fail, amendment 64 will not end the pot politics in colorado. >> if it passes one of these states, it could be even messier. there's a lot of talk about the health care debate, federal powers going at it, and it could end up in the supreme court. >> one argument made in defense is an economic one. a boost in revenue from taxes. lower cost and fighting the war on drugs and a solution to the nation's energy problems. dough is the author of a new book called "too high to fail." and kevin sabbet says those arguments are up in smoke. doug, why do you believe the war on drugs is a waste and what economic benefits could come from legalized marijuana. >> most americans know after 40 years and $1 trillion it has very little effect. they paid $100 million in sales tax revenues last year. and what i followed in the book raised $600,000 dollars. created many jobs. the end of the drug war will be good for america. >> kevin, you worked on drug po