[applause] wantinally, most of all, i us to join in congratulating -- what a good-looking group, the men and women of jackson state university class of 2016. [applause] you all deserve all of that and more, because i know how hard you work to make it to the day studying late into the night. writing and rewriting those papers. taking all those exams. oh my lord. but i also heard that you happen to be able to have some fun over these past years as well. , joining up on fridays of the horseshoe. don't get too excited, mom and dad are in the stands. homecoming and tiger fest. rocking the house with one of the best bands in the country, the sonic booms of the south. all are the superb 16 as i hear you call yourselves. and you are about to join a storied legacy from this university. a school that began as a tiny, ptist just 22 and strong. today it has a legacy that reaches across the country in the state, and right here into this very stadium. that is actually where i would like to start my remarks today this storiedry -- stadium and its place in our nations history. back in 1950 when the