. -- i also wantou to thank you for somehow finding sure that they park police were not on furloughs. i think that would be particularly absurd. when we have had furloughs in the federal government, we have always exempted law enforcement officers, and we were putting the entire city at risk with all of the officials and all of the ceremonies, and you found the funds. are you able to fill vacancies in the park police, chief chambers? >> we are not currently hiring, ma'am. >> so if someone were to do that because of the sequester or the cuts, those positions would not be filled? >> at this moment, we do not have a schedule. we will be looking closely at the fiscal year 2014 budget. know whether you were able to keep a voice in place during this time. if i could ask mr. knox, believe me,- because i represent the district of columbia, i was pleased that apparently no weapons were .tolen weapons were not found to be taken home for personal use. no weapons were ever seized in a .rime could this have happened without some kind of monitoring? those would have been the worst, it seems to me,