my name is taya should warchwa. in an escalating commercial real estate market artists simply cannot afford the cost of renting or owning space in san francisco, period. between 2012 and 2015, rent for arts organizations increased from a rate of $1.50 persquare foot permonth to $5 persquare foot permonth in san francisco. it is almost impossible to find affordable space in san francisco to find the $1 to $2. $2.50 persquare foot price that artists can afford. cultural displacement continues to rise amidst rapid change. this will help protect the artists community and lively hood to ensure that artists can continue to work and remain here. the artists were united in this measure and it was a strong collaborative measure to produce this. we have worked with many city offices to put together a sound policy that would create a realistic solution for arts and culture funding. and so we ask you today to please approve the amendments introduced for the hotel tax allocation initiatives coalitions. thank you. >> good afterno