i'll probably live to regret it. >> then the defense tried to put someone else on trial -- warden jack cowleyetent warden. >> defense attorney isaacs showed the jury a psychological report written by dial three years before the escape. it described dial as dangerous with an extreme talent for manipulation. the report warned against letting dial do his art around women as he would inevitably begin to scheme. >> the head of security told jack cowley you need to read the psychological report, and cowley said to him, you mind your business, i'm running this show. >> the parkers say they never saw the report before cowley put dial's pottery studio in their garage. you didn't have any qualms about randolph dial -- >> not one calm what squalm wha. >> in the years after the escape, cowley got two tips about where bobbi and dial were but never told the fbi. >> the way my philosophy was, he's not doing anything wrong in terms of committing other crimes. so they're -- they're living their lives. >> and you were okay with that? >> i was -- i was content with it. >> even though he's a convicted morer a em