by the warks when republicans are putting down the u.s.which they have a right to in this case, they ought to give allowance to the fact this was thdiscovered by, reported by, exposed by the i.g. >> in a way the system worked. i'm all for conferences if they're going to teach people to do things better and boost performance. that's not so bad. when you have these boondoggles, they get reported. the last one they had was in 2010 of these anaheim trips and they stopped it. the last few years they haven't done that. so the i.g., as in the case of the, you know, of picking on the tea party groups, sometimes things go awry in government. as in private business certainly as well. but fortunately, in government, you have inspector general. citigroup doesn't have an inspector general. >> let me make a point here that's very important. when you sit down and do your taxes, most people do their own. they're sitting down to make conscientious decisions to be honest. should i put this in there, not put this income in? should i push a little bit on my d