. >> warr: lynn sweet, chicago sun times. thk you so much. >> thank you >>rown: and we move on to copenhagen, wherray suarez is coring the climate summit this week. only a feways remain, and there are still very bigivides betweericher and poorer countries; andetween china, the largest greenhouse gas poller, and the u.s., which was the biggest until rently. ray gins with this report. >> suarez: a chine special representive to the climate talks committed china greenhouse gas reducti but rejectany efforts like those demanded by the united stes to check china's compliance. and warned against using trade as a weapon, sugsted by congress's climate change bill passed in sepmber. >> we opposehe actions of any country that sets up n trade baiers under the cuse of protecting the planet. >> suarez: and yu id he's keenly aware, as arehe other negotiators th time is ruing out for an agreement. t he said the industrialized countrie long-term, heavy users of fossil fuels, an't even facing up to their responsibilitiesow. he switched to engli