the wilderness society's warren alfred is capturing the beauty of this forest for others to see.teer with google's backtrack trekker program. the tech company started the initiative last year to allow people to see a panoramic view of scenic but hard-to-reach places. alfred's backpack is equipped with 15 high-definition cameras which are constantly taking pictures. >> a lot of times i'll look at a still photograph and i'll think, what's on the other side of that. so this thing actually allows us to go through the landscape and give people a chance to really look around. >> reporter: alfred hikes with this 45-pound backpack about 18 miles a day. >> reporter: there are special places all over the country, and we need to connect americans to these places. >> reporter: google has partnered with conservation groups around the world to record breathtaking scenes. here's a view of the grand canyon from the colorado river and the underwater world of the ga lop was islands. is there any limit to what you can do here? >> think the limit is your imagination. >> reporter: so you don't want p