i am not the twin brother of warren beatty. [laughter] i give ole warren a lot of credit because he made an excellent movie. it's brilliant, and i like watching it, but the fact remains it extended the mythology and the way our culture quite often rewrites history to fit what we want to believe or in a term time we need to believe. it's true that i didn't intend to write this book. books are like children. they grow up to be whatever they want to be. you don't have control over it. my original plan was to write a book called along the tall tailed trail. i was going to drive around america, go to iconic places in our country, or places that have become a huge part of our culture and people reputed to have done things maybe they hadn't done. i live in in ft.worth, and bonnie and clyde lived in west texas. after a couple of days, i decided this had to be a book about bonnie and clyde because i was learning things that staggered me and things i had never imagined before. i imagine some of you here tonight are bonnie and clyde long t