commonly known as the warren commission. yes. tell us about that. i mean, this is incredibly important. again, we can talk about johnson's speeches and we talk about the legislation, but front and center on the minds of most americans was the kennedy assassination. and what happened? and there were all kinds of rumors and speculation. was it something having to do with the soviets? was it something having to do with organized crime? no one really knew. so he sets up this commission and he sets up the commission with very established figures. this is important. he wants people who will be trusted, who are seen as the epitome of washington, people such as richard russell, who i mentioned, who is the senior democrat from georgia, gerald ford, who's a house republican from michigan, who will be the leader of the republicans during the second half of the 1960s. and allen dulles, who had been former director of the cia and of course, warren himself. so the point of the commission was not simply their findings, but that it had legitimacy. and the commissio