there is a gingerbread man. 3 he looks warrer. option.t attractive and i ddn't phink hhs wife oo proud of him when he got bacc home. >> and no one launched a big pr caapaign to get them igned up because of the problems wwth thh weesite. they are aaout o launch a pr campaign. >> only harvard polls 20 percent is signing up. not a probably but definitely. p> other than the pr cammpignn that was a architect of ooama care. pee young eoppe siined up with a good pr push. foccs n promotion. bbite will droves that re predicted is >> it is facttr. probably the biggest factorris % -pii we emember when ww were tt age.. -pwe push thingg off until the lass-minute. theeopen enrollment. and the one thing to keep in % a quartee of people not y interested ii signinn up for obama care. a pr push would help. >> that study shoos yyu where the minds of young eople are. pr and marking? it is a probl obama care. it is core material and facts of obama care that youth are rejecting. no amount of pr will change what has been the first impression of obama care. the