laughter ) ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) meanwhile, the world of indoor succulent-fanciers waseras fake" and just plastic "attached to a block of foam, and decorated with sand, which was glued on top." and she says, "i feel like these last two years have been a lie." ( laughter ) thankfully, in this trying time, she has the support of her loving husband. ( laughter ) ( applause ) meanwhile, according to a new study, 38% of americans say they wouldn't buy corona beer "under any circumstances" because of the coronavirus, while the other 62% wouldn't buy it because it's corona beer. ( laughter ) obviously, obviously, those people are misinformed. still, corona really wants to steer clear of saying anything that associates their product with an impending threat from overseas. so they put out this actual ad for their hard seltzer: >> stephen: yeah. "coming ashore soon." a little tone deaf. still better than their original ad. jim? >> introducing corona hard settler, the sickest drink out there. your friends might already have it. you can't tell just by looking at them. corona hard set