i cannot impress upon you more the ánature of the virulence an the importance of continuing to washá upá slightly 1.1% in those numbers you see bouncing back and forth áwith the net margin of 1% áor 2%. it is stability for weeks áand weeks weeks. well beyond 14 days. the stability áis encouraging but again áwe are not seeing th significant decline that we á need to see. ácaution always. the number of ápeople tested positive in the number of people dying in points of concern. again, a mix of optimismá and a sober outlook i terms of the world we are now enterig intoá with these modifications.á progress, nonetheless and continue spiritá of partnership as a foundational principle and data drivigá decisions in science and health driving these announcements. with that i'm happy to take áan questions. á>> thanks, governor. i'm hoping you can provide some @clarity on the targets. last month after you mentioned you átalk about your 25,000 daily goalá, is that the next targetá is 80-90,000 tests per day. % today i heaárd 61,000 and 80,000. can áyou just thoroughly explai what your next target