. >> the women's march washe womem coming for multiple issues.is a singleor issue m marca that has happened for 43r years. years. people that are very dedicateded and we do pull hundreds ofhundrf thousands of people every yearrr no mattert he weather. we >> reporter: every year doter: y you get big eacoverage.cove >> every year -- no, there'so, r not coverage every year. ye we have this joke in the proin o life movement that we are ninjas because we can sneak c into the city and out withoutwit ever noticing -- attractingat the attention from the media. >> reporter: new term for it tonight, pro l we should tell if you wed tell u reached out to the national organization of women and planned parenthood for a comment.. we were not able to coordinateor for an interview tonight.tot. this rally will start at noont right here on the nationale naol mall and the march itself will l begin at 1:00 p.m., shawn andwnd jim. >> i certainly understand c their concerns but i knowerta ww here at fox5 have covered thisrt rally every year that i can c remember.er. so