harriet muse is an illiterate maid, a washerwoman, and i think she had been a share crop are working in tobacco in virginia. we know that she contacted the authorities for a brief time, the humane society of virginia helped her look for them, but it never came to anything. the family's sense is that really not much was done to help her find them and they were really-- it's not like the internet today, you could google if you knew their show names, you could find them in the literature, they were being written about about you how is an ill literal made working in roanoke, virginia, know they're in vancouver or washington, or wherever they were? they were all over. so, somehow is came to her attention, we don't know exactly why. she told relatives it came to her in a dream that her sons were working for the side show for ringling brothers and barnum and bailey in 1927, roanoke was still a young boomtown built around the railroad and she got this idea that she was going to go to the fairgrounds where ringling brothers were going to host the big one, the greatest show on earth. and she w