(ááánats up full: "there's a fight in theemiddle of wal mart n washiigton blvd.. you need to get somedio cars up there quick.....ááá)((ááánats up fuul: "walmart on washington blvd. sir? yes ma'am. are no, but they're using &pchemicall to throw at each "throwing bleach on each othhr? yea. does anybody need an ambulance? i don't know, just walled y.."ááá) happened saturday morning... in the walmart on wwshington boulevard... 33-year old theresa jefferson allegedly threw bleach anndppie sol on the victim... ebony odoms.the toxic fight sent odoms and 18- others in the store to he hospiial.authorittes believe an on-going dispute between the women triggered the fight ... jefferson has a son with odom's fiance.in a surrrise twist... the fiance's father supported jefferson's actions... saying his soo hhs been harassing and threaaening her for a while.jeeferson is baltimore is raaked as one of the top five the findings are from a survey... based on interviews with residents.. 71-percent reported seeing a tteir home. the survey rattiest neighborhood ii the city....followed by felll point and th