wasiam henry harrison, who the hero of the battle of to the canoe, and he'd also served in the senate was a territorial governor. he had been one of the whigs regional candidates for president in 1836 when henry clay decided he didn't want to make the run again. largest vote together among all the whig regional candidates. there was a late addition to the person of- in the general winfield scott, a career , and justfficer distinguished himself in upstate new york. there was internal strife right canadian border, and scott earned a lot of kudos among the upstate new yorkers for his skillful handling and keeping things on the correct side of the border. those were the three candidates that were put forward at this convention. it was thought it was henry clay's nomination. he came in with a substantial lead in the delegate camp. it had been a straight up-and-down vote with each delegate voting their conscience. clay would probably have walked out of there as a nominee, but the anti-clay porchesthose werep thwartplan, which would result in theally nomination of either harrison or scott. s