sera returned from this conference and proposed to the wasilla city council that wasilla becomes a quote, city of character. and the city council authorized this and wasilla became the only city of character in the state of alaska. mostly based in states with strong evangelical traditions, south carolina and texas i believe have the most common to most cities of character at any of the states in the union. for example, none of the new england states, none of the new england states are there any cities of character. it denotes a commitment the following biblical teachings in government. in other words, having to city government influenced by the fundamentalists belief in biblical truth as literal truth. >> why do you describe sarah palin's terms as mayor as a reign of terror? >> because she began to fire people as soon as she took office. she fired the police chief. she drove the town library and to resign. she fired the public works director. she fired, she fired or forced the resignations of anyone who have supported her opponent in the mayoral election. and she replaced them all with h