major penney: well, it wasmajor penney: a mission to protect the national capital region. there and i gore got and-9's on their jets and they took off. as we were airborne, mark sasse villain dan kane, sass and reason, worked with the potomac air-traffic controllers. it is such a testament to the professionalism and the abilities of the air-traffic controllers in potomac. their job is to keep airplane separated and keep them on routes that are kind of like roads in the sky, you know, and sequence them certain miles or minutes apart from each other. minutes, theyive learn how to speak military fighters how it to and they were sassbat controller because and reason said, all right, there is a navigation raid on washington reagan airfield, called the four tact. if you can imagine 350 radios coming out, it is one of the ways that we navigate. you take the mileage off of that radio. for example, instead of calling reagan, let's just call it bullseye. if there's somebody who might be on the 090 radio, you call that bullseye 090. benefits 30 miles away you call it a zero for 30. 5