alvan chow: i thought he wasone of these crazy guys, with a cat as a logo, and there's nothingabout hisund. but i figured out thathe was also an extremely prudent, responsible,knowledgeable investor. - gamestop is the only brickand mortar store dedicated to gaming. suppose over the next year,management can craft a narrativethat carves out a 2% share of that rapidly growing$150 billion gaming industry. one of themost exciting-- kirsten: i fully understoodwhere he was coming from, because i mean, it wasactually technical analysis, in my opinion, but it was just totallydifferent type of analysis on trades than the typicalsuits were looking at. - i actually went on oneof roaring kitty's streams and just started doinga lot more research. and then ryan cohen announced his stake of 9%. ryan cohen isthe founder of chewy. it's the only companythat went head to head with amazonand just ate their lunch. - this dude knows his shitin the e-commerce world. he does kind of seem likehe's forward-thinking. alvan chow:after that, i was just in fullinformation-gathering mode. keith gill:hey, jeffamazon. w