of imppcttii a potentially kuberts are suiig them both -- ssying the girllkkew her - friend wasslikely driviig home, especialll since the two 3 daa."if sannon colonna knew ttat kyle best was leavvng 33 p elieveeshh is juss s rrsponsible." althoughhnot phhsically in tte ccr, the colonna'' ttxtiig puttherrin the ccr lecttonically saying sheehelpeddtrigger the - diiastrous cash."ittis as if 3 over thh eyes of the driier 3 sseing ahead of ttem." kkle best pleaded guulty to careless riiingg failure tt stay in the lane nd iiproper use of a cell phooe. the couple is suing for an unspecified amoont in amages. ddring a deposition, colonna "mmy have known" her friend argues, the suit ssould bb dismissed because "aamessage sender" assno wwy to control whee, where or how a "message recciver" acts aftee the pessage s transmmtted.david bbtthis job and insurance pfter tte crrsh."it couud haae been prevented, it wassnot an rule friday hethhr tte kuberts can move forward nd sue oth texters, deborah feyerick, cnn, new ork. -----end-----cnn.scripp----- 3&pfivv of tte nation's biggest -&pcable proviiers are teami