there were advisories, the community was developing the projects and there wastension at the beginning . this is life . who's going to run in the community, who's in charge of the community. there are these women who've been working forever and they had helped senator kennedy but then there were younger people, more militant people so that kind of all blew up and that had to be done again. then when things finally got, and when thomas had blown up by this time. kennedy met him, earl gray was an aide to robert kennedy, they both brought franklin thomas in and he agreed to have the community part. he didn't like the fact that there was a business group they seemed to be pulling more people. so that got a little testy. and as it worked out, thomas pushed ahead and he really began developing homes, giving people jobs, finding out what the community wanted and really grassroots kind of stuff. to make a plan. and eventually, kennedy found out john doerr was leaving the justice department. and he brought john doerr to work on this side, the development service corporation which is the busines