ouou are watchingg wbaba tv 1 1 lili,, lococ,, latebreaking. >> president obama and mitt romney spend one more day of frantic campaign stops in key states. i am sarah caldwell. the race is deadlocked and the outcome could depend on "get out the vote" efforts. if this election wasn't contentious enough, maryland's ballot has other issues as groups marshall their forces to drum up the vote. it's the top of the ticket drawing people to the polls but turnout could hinge on the statewide ballot. >> we have three ballot questions that are emotional and could drive turnout. >> 12% of maryland's voters have cast early ballots this year. candidates are not the only ones preparing. marylanders for marriage equality are holding a training session for the polls on sunday, to say yess to item six and alloww couples otto marry. >> they want to get that civil marriage license -- >> the latest survey shows they are split on question six. visit wbaltv.com to eread morree on local issues and take a final look at the candidates before heading to the polls. >> we started out with clear temperatures. a no