is that who we are so brad responded to my my question and tweeted is water watch well brad as i mentioned in last week's daily take your blood analysis of the troubling state of affairs in the united states is unfortunately true and it goes far beyond our criminal justice system everywhere you look whether it be the endless wars in the middle east that are crimes carried out on wall street in the name of endless greed or the way that we consume energy without giving a second thought to the havoc that we're wreaking on the planet our behavior today is anything but logical there's always been a psychopathic strain in our culture in all of modern culture for that matter on that in the last century was suppressed in some places by a more compassionate approach to the environment a more compassionate criminal justice system and so social safety nets that have allowed us to care for each other to create we societies like our ancient tribal ancestors lived in. but here in america these measures to root out psychopath here are being overturned lucking right by people whose behavior suggests they