and if you deprive waterman of vision, then his motor performance reduces and is degraded to something that we saw earlier. so this is a remarkable case of plasticity in a sense, to take the five or six senses that come in and then in an alternating way to change the sense that is being used to feed into the motor system. >> what can use that plasticity in overcoming the consequence of stroke? >> no so in stroke... i'll just give you an example. this this is a brain image and this white area shows you where a stroke has happened. this tissue has died because of loss of oxygen and blood. this person... this is on the left side of their body, they'll have a right-sided paralysis. so the big challenge for people after stroke is everybody gets better to some degree. the brain has an intrinsic plasticity that allows it to get better. what is that plasticity, how can we enhance it and how can prepredict how good a job is going to do? and interestingly enough, we've been able to show that early after stroke we can identify brain networks that are going to tell you what the potential for the b