with a leak and the water level is dropping and you're talking about adding a diving board, some waterslides, maybe lifeguards, and then maybe people will come back to swim. it's absurd. water quality control plan is a watershed moment in our state's history. it's pretty simple. without water, a river isn't a river. without freshwater to balance the incoming salt water, the delta is not an estuary. it's that simple. and san franciscans, i believe, would be outraged to know that you are siding with the interests that are about to drive smelt and salmon into extinction. thank you. >> president kwon: thank you. all right. next three speakers, michael adams, fred mohime, and mark gonzalez. so mr. adams, welcome. >> thank you very much. michael adams with the small grassroots group city college first coalition, one of several groups springing up to try to address the potential for transferring the balboa reservoir, which we call the west parking lot, to private developers, at great consequences, negative consequences, to students and neighborhoods. during previous moves to put housing in that res