let's go to january 16th in watkinsville, georgia. 28-year-old man responds to a craigslist ad to buy an iphone. and the transaction was going to go down in a kroger parking lot at 8:30 p.m. and he decided to film the entire interaction. according to the sheriff's office, he filmed this video with, like, a pen camera. that he kept in his, like, shirt pocket. >> what's up, man? >> pretty good. >> sees two guys here. a little chitchat. the two guys are acting kind of frantic. and then before you know it, these two men attack this guy with the camera. >> where's your [ bleep ] [ bleep ]? where's your money? come on. >> and if you listen, the one guy says, "get the pistol, michael. get the pistol." >> get the pistol, michael. >> they tried to rob me, man. >> they tried to rob you? >> yeah. i was going to buy an iphone. >> the attackers ran off. now, no weapon actually materialized. no gun materialized. and these guys made off with no money from this guy. >> so haunting to watch him walk back to the place where he was attacked hearing his breathing. it's like watching a horror th turned th