let's talk to john, calling from watsonville, california. john, good morning. caller: yeah. cannot take any of this seriously. i mean, if they really cared about drug prices, they would form committees, make studies, and they have never done this. all this is is an afterthought, a sugar sprinkle on a massive power, money and civil liberties grab called -- what do they call it? -- the reconciliation bill. that is all this is, people. don't be a sucker. they don't care. if they actually cared, there would be actual legislation. they are pretending that they care about lowering drug costs. host: let's go to mark, calling from new jersey. mark, good morning. caller: good morning, jesse. i hope you are doing well. there was -- not your last caller, your previous caller, stole my thunder, but i agree with what biden is trying to do. i just want to present or pose a question to my republican and libertarian brothers and sisters out there. you know, the founding fathers, who they are so eager to tout as the be-all and end-all, like their old testament pr ophets, never address the co