stone waulg. the big enchilada. fbi director earl patrick gray let him twist slowly in the wind. john dean tells nixon there's a cancer on the presidency. these phrases and expletive deleted was another one and smoking gun. since then a lot of scandals have picked up the gate, billygate, iran-contragate. monicagate. wikipedia lists hundred gate scandals, including bart and homer simpson. so we look up to watergate to remember, people forget, for you it's all distant history. i recall the 25th anniversary there was a man on street interview in champagne, illinois where i lived and they asked the young college student what was watergate about? oh, some president resign. lyndon johnson, richard nixon, one of those two. we can laugh but it's easy to forget. a poll in germany showed that 20% of german college students do not know, had no idea what auschwitz was. the nazi death camp. they had a reason to forget. when we think of watergate as a triumph but not a blemish on our memory. time grows old teaches many lessons. time is passing what are the lessons of watergate. one of the thin