what does wayan do? >> so computers are old tech, huh? david: in the realm, in the whole realm of things, you know what i'm saying. >> i'm feeling old. anyhow, what wayan does, what we're trying to do is take advantage of social media, user generated content to make it valuable. there are two things you can do on the internet. you can create content that people watch stories and entertainment. the other thing that happens on the internet people are trying to match buyers with sellers through advertising models. people, 92% of the people trust recommendations from people they know. and, 70 plus percent of people trust and believe in, think it is credible of user generated social media content. we're taking that crowd noise called social media, and we allow to go in and search. we ingest 5500 tweets on facebook an instagram posts a second. tag them up and down just like google does that with wet pages. we allow you to search and listen stethoscope i cannily to a specific conversation around a brand. we allow to you display that inside of it