he skirts along the gully here a little bit, work his waycousin, sight of the bear and the cub still around. this bear is aggressive. cousin dan was able to get his bear spray out before the bear charged any closer. thankfully the guys did not need to injure the bear or the cub. eventually both worked their way back up the hill. see them off in the distance there. they got back in the trail, walked away from the bear and got out of there safely. >> we're seeing that bear coming right at you -- >> at the beginning. >> yeah. >> and a clear path right to him. brad said he heard his brakes squeak and then a growl. he looked right. and noticed that bear charging right at him. lots of people like to go all out for their wedding, do something really special. this didn't go exactly as planned. this is in india. what you're seeing is a 40 feet long hydraulic crane lowering down the diamond crystal looking structure. this was how the bride and her sister were going to sort of enter the wedding reception. very elaborate, very expensive too. you mean they're inside of that. >> they're in there.