wayne bodvig planted 13-hundred acres of irrigated corn this spring and his yields are good. he says abundant sub soil moisture levels in the spring havevellowed many producererto bringing in goododields despite a dry growing season. jackie buckley - morton county extension agent: wheat yields were really good, the corn crop will be good, the sunflower crop looks really good as well. d d weather does have a down side, even if the farmers don't have to deal with it's effects until next year. wayne bodvig - corn farmer: since the first of july on my farm i've probably had a one-and-a-half inches of rain, total. our sub- soil is very dry around here, slough and ponds are dried up, even the big water is going down quite a bit. without good rains before freeze up, or lots of snow this winter, farmers won't have sub soil moisture to fall back on for the 2016 growing season. but for now, farmers are taking advantage of dry weather to get row corps in early. i'm cliff naylor reporting for agday. ) sunflower harvest usuallll doesn't begin until after there has been a killing frost, th