>> it's a disc jockey, and this is actually a picture that wayne miller, the photographer who supplied me with most of the photographs that i used in my book, and i would be remiss in speaking about this book without thanking him for being so generous in terms of providing these photographs. wonderful, wonderful photographer who, incidentally, worked as a freelancer with "ebony." in any event, he's receiving a pitch from somebody who's representing anonymous woman, actress or singer -- likely singer -- and in the background are other pictures of women who have been contracted to appear at clubs or come on to radio shows. and the point of the photo in many ways is to encourage us to think about the fact that cultural initiative, cultural accomplishment, cultural product is something that emerges out of a process. it's not just simply a statement that comes out of the artist's mind or artist's mouth or off of the artist's hand. there needs to be a series of different mediating points. in some cases a disseminating mechanism or institution like a radio station or "ebony" magazine. in some