wayne pacelle from the humane society.ident of the humane society of america in studio with us. >> we've done morning radio and tv for awhile now. our biggest fear, of course, is sleeping in. that nightmare came true for al roker this morning. he tweeted after 39 years, it happened. i overslept and i missed a show. he missed the start of the al roker -- 39 years. never missed a show. never been late. his alarm clock had an issue this morning and he missed it. he overslept. >> pretty good record. >> it is a good record. >> bill: you would think with muscle memory after 39 years of getting up at that time, you would wake up. it doesn't happen. if you don't set the alarm. wayne, chris is calling from texas. hi, chris. >> caller: hello, sir. >> bill: yes, your question. >> caller: it is not actually a question. many americans have no problem eating pigs and chickens raised in cages that can't move. they eat milk-fed veal that never moves but when it comes to horses, they're not treated as livestock. they're set at some differe