our crew this week, wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, and tracy byrnes, along with democratic strategist nancy skinner. welcome to everybody. ok. the democrats pushing a plan to fine or jail uninsured americans who won't pay for health insurance, but who goes to jail is based on how much money they make. jonathan, you say this is classic class warfare. >> yeah, i mean. sure, think about this. either you are your brother's keeper or you're going to jail. this is class warfare at its worst. it targets the productive non-needy members of society. this is the continued looting of productive people. they dress it up as a free market choice. oh, you're making a choice. but you're forced to buy insurance. how is that even constitutional? it is not like they're regulating something that you have chosen to do. they're forcing you to do something you haven't chosen to do. if you happen to make too much money, then we're sending you off to the hoosegow. this is terribly wrong. >> the argument could be that basically if you make enough money to of a afford healthcare and you don't get it for whateve