. >> i drove wayne tollefson mets. wayne tollefson was a new york, the four-game series. at the beginning of the fourth game, they were taking batting practice. >> shortstop for the yankees. >> yesterday was standing room for batting practice i was out early and he called the over adhesive the got to ask you a question. he says do you watch me. >> he said wherever you go. he said if it seems like i'm of to the left of the right, you hit it up the middle. of five moved to the middle you hit it -- >> the best was ray miller. the city completely figured me out and that i had no chance of i said what is the defense. he said you will see. we were in minnesota and the pictures standing there waiting for the sign of the shortstop on second baseman are behind second base behind each other. the picture would wind up in one would run to a position. i went 5-5 that night. whoever didn't move, i hit them where they were in. after the fifth. i am on first base and ray miller tipped his hat to me and said okay, we won't do that anymore. that's how consumed get a manager in the other de