thank you for tuning in, join us tomorrow night for our final night here in miami with our guests wayne waded you vote for. >> i didn't vote for nobody because i'm not allowed to vote no more. >> because of the gater. >> no, way before the gater. >> oh, there's more. >> there's a lot more. captioning sponsored by captioning sponsored by co [cheerful music] ♪ (michael) all right, everybody. this is your last meal. so eat up. [all cheering] from this point forward, you will not use the bathroom. we need to keep our starting weights high so we can lose more. this summer, corporate is sponsoring a little weight loss contest between the branches. whichever branch loses the most weight gets three extra vacation days. what should we do with all these leftovers? i'm taking the dumplings for my wife. no, no, no! this is your last meal. there will be no leftovers. i can bring these to my shelter. i'm taking my dumplings. there. take those home to your wife. [all coughing]