a little bit and there are times when i will be a popular governor and other times when in some wayspular. you can see it is a black mark because you can do things that are popular not because they are necessary or appropriate. it's like the parent that always gives candy to the child or grandchild. is that a good thing? probably not. politics is competent enough end legislation matters are difficult enough that we need to represent the government. a pure democracy would allow all citizens to vote on everything. that would also demand they spend the time and gain the knowledge background sufficient enough to make an informed judgment. that's not realistic in today's complicated world. we delegate our authority to let did representatives to study those issues for us. since we can't predict what they who's thee will judge person that reflects my character and my values and my style. if i find someone like that i will vote for them. i would like to believe i was whened to exert my values i veto a bill. when i was elected, i was not elected to get reelected. what i thought was right was not v