. -- what weagain have that gerrit worked on at the state level -- california has led the way, and jerry did this in the state legislature -- is to have paid sick leave, especially maternity leave. california has led the way. i was there when we passed the bill on family medical leave. 100 million times america's families have taken advantage of it. for tens of millions of families, it was not paid. you just can't afford it. california has led the way on the paid aspect. it is the ten-year anniversary of that initiative and california. all of these things better that we knowething is the economic stability of the family, whether it is relating to health, wages, relating to childcare. whatever it is, lift these families up so that this woman can unleash her power in the workplace. , whensn't just a title women succeed, america succeeds. it is a good title. it tests very favorably in focus groups. but it is an absolute fact -- when women succeed, america succeeds. his is about that woman, her family, and the greatness of our country. that has to country hold our head down and say, put the