. -- weakenn nikng. cindy: it' s producing a lot of wind right now and it will be we will see some rain. it. whether the latest drop monitor showing you a lot of southern new england where you have to ground color and moderate ground conditions. that a good portion of the state of connecticut and a chunk of massachusetts. we got rained yesterday, more than half an inch in boston. the deficit is still more than eight inches. we are about 7.5 and the worcester area. we are getting a little bit. rain totals through tomorrow morning. 2/10 of an inch in most spots. the rain coming at us will be on the lifecycle of a gloomy day. november is typically the cloudiest month of the year. until yesterday we were having in a typical november. today is the day to lock in the clouds. 48 degrees the wind is shifting to the south. southerly wind is going to push the temperatures up a few more degrees. we touched 50 and hyannis. lower 50' s on nantucket. boston, 48. 44 and -- in worcester right now. a little bit of fog. e