did one run at the school sites and they completed that would the support of our pd i coach at weaningburg and the result of that is on this would i do sheet right here. it's first run we had and there's a wide variety in how it was being implemented but the initial run shows a small correlation between the school. so if they're able to implement it then there's more of a deposit to referrals to special education. and finally, we asked for feedback from our schools participating in the cohort this year. we had some feedback last year that needs to change and thomas and his team have worked on implementing those changes and this year, the results were positive again they've enjoyed participating going forward. one of the things was if you look at 3 activities we are incorporating more times to showcase their work. it's interesting they say they bend from their presentations but not their own and we give them feedback. we're going to continue to do this through the year to see what, if any regulation it has going forward. we do have staff from lake shore a teacher right here and the principl