>> my name is chris roberts and i'm from weaverville, north carolina. my portrayal will be the commanding officer of the 26 north carolina infantry. the commander was in the hospital south around north carolina. at the moment, i'm commanding the first battalion. this is my 30th year of reenacting. i have been through the 125th anniversary ceremony and continued until now. who knows if i will be around for the 175th, but it is on that course, i suppose. >> how has reenacting changed the last 30 years? chris roberts: with the internet, it's easier to find information, detailed information, a lot more information about quartermaster records and images of soldiers. in the days prior to that, it was difficult to find that information. you would have to travel to archives. now it's much easier to communicate with folks. the authenticity has increased immensely, down to minute details of buttons being reproduced and blankets. there are many pieces now that would be difficult to tell from the original. the good thing about living history is that when you read t