was a self reporter which is reporting for your own firing squad and allen said you have to meet webb hubbell i sat here and watched i don't know how me hours with webb, three, four or five i forget and he walked me through how you survive day one and that was the best amount of time i spent. he also gave me an insight is the former chief justice of the arkansas supreme court former attorney general who went to prison. he was very empathetic web was to the plight of a lot of people in prison. i walked out of prison not angry and i didn't walk out of prison thinking up a former congressman. i walked out of there feeling a bond with a lot of people and i need to tell this in the look and i have because things are going on inside of those walls. i don't expect anybody to have sympathy for me but i have the ability to have a network. i have the ability to be on television, to have writers here with radio and the print media and i can write a book until my story. a lot of people don't have a voice inside those walls. we are warehousing human beings. we are not rehabbing them. we are re-housing the