taking all of them we're really looking at all of them, director metcalf and steve humphreys is going into what webcor/obayashi is doing now that they have these findings and recommendations. >> okay. >> good morning directors. so as we mentioned earlier i think one of the keys that we attract bidders to the project and they show up on bid day we've had pretty good success on getting bidders prequalified so we've had many of them dropout so we've taken the information that was gleaned from the survey and made a number of adjustments that we think are going to help to attract bidders to the project we're doing a lot more personal outreach to the bidders and continuous communication with them during the bid process so we know if they have any issues that are going to cause them to perhaps not bid the project so we can address those during the bid process before they just don't show up on bid day. we're also developing fairly detailed scoping documents that we're presenting to the bidders during the preconstruction or prebid meeting so that they can clearly understand what it is we're asking them to bid actually