wechter is no. there are five eyes and one no. the sheriff's department oversight board 2024 q3 report is approved. thank you. and the next agenda item, please call line item seven future agenda items discussion and possible action item. actually, before we move on, member karen caught a typo on the header for the q2 report. so there's an extra zero in the year in the in the header up. do you see that dan i believe that would be considered a scrivener's error. so there wouldn't be a need to do a motion again. yes, precisely. thank you. you're welcome. so on the future agenda items let's see. let me just go back for the next meeting. we are going to have inspector inspector general. we're going to have chief counsel ronnie singh with us. and i just want to recognize kelly collins here, who is the deputy. welcome to our meetings. and then to highlight again, this was before you got here, vice president, if you want to say anything more about the young community developers walk, run. i like the picture. handsome picture here. nope. i