baltimore city speed nd red liiht cameras...were generattng thhusands of tickets a dayy..but for weekss..those tickets have been virutally non-existent... &pexissent...the cityy is working with a nnwwvvndor and ssitchhng the old, with new state of the art ameras... but the old cameeas have already geeerated hundreds of ppooises to refund every false ticket legitament tickets"the new ple - system may not be fully up andd &prunning until march and the &ppeantime pollceessyssthee wil be douuliig their staff.its an effort to catth any misttkes by he vendor,,so a wrong tiiket doesn't get to yoo. you.high prrority, catch any mistakes mmde by vendor and not validate ticket before it public" "elated by the police department is interested in dding all they can"another major hange? officials are looking into penalizzng the new vendor...for each wrong ticket issued.that'ssto add make sure everr the ight onn. ssraight ahead... some might call it a sweet alliance. 3 find ouu who's teaming up withh &pthe beverage ompanies to dea with a ssda ban.. ((breaa )) 3 beverage compa