with music from weezer, madison cunningham, young gravy, and blackpink.ease join us for all that. also, we are taking our show on the road once again to brooklyn, week after next. we'll do five shows at the brooklyn academy of music. and blazing the trail, going ahead on a scouting mission, will be our goodwill ambassador guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] who's taking a cross-country trip in the guillermobus, or guillermobile, or whatever we're calling it. it's like the batmobile, but with a full bar. a moustache on the front. on monday, guillermo will be at lincoln financial field in philadelphia for monday night football. he'll be at the texas state fair in dallas on tuesday. federales bar in chicago on wednesday, and the cask & flagon in boston on thursday. so if you live nearby, come and say aloha. have some tequila with guillermo. guillermo is going to be a disaster. >> guillermo: it's going to be great, jimmy. >> jimmy: your blood alcohol content will be 3.8. >> guillermo: i'm planning to gain 10 pounds too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, if yo