. -- wege in august, was it went to 50 intraday. he took six weeks off in august. it was wild.ar, just to get the facts right. we have are all weather fund which is down 6% for the year now because of those reasons. i know it will be balanced. we have our. alpha funds that are up materially. tom: how much are they up? depends on which fund you are in, some were about 6%. brendan: where are you getting the alpha? ray: we could go long and short in a lot of different markets. you are -- brendan: you are applying the hobby machine works to this time period. you said in stagnation, i will go back to where is american business right now, and even global business? what is the ability of businesses to turn a profit so you can make money? ray: american businesses right now are the number one thing, they are flush with cash. they are the biggest floors on the stock market with buybacks and purchase and acquisition. of my by anke 70% the stock market is along those lines. i think you know as well as i have the change in the complexion of the businesses. i think productivity numbers are v