we put together a consortium of seven large businesses, wegmans is one of them and we had very good resultsple, we put into place a regional health information organization. we took efficiency experts from our manufacturing companies and put them in the hospital systems to make them more efficient. we developed a wellness program called live well that my company developed. we encourage employees to walk 10,000 steps a day. to eat five cups of fruits and vegetables a day. we turned it over to this group and last year we had over 200 organizations in rochester participate, more than 44,000 employees. it's the largest community-wide wellness program in the world. more recently, we've entered into a partnership, a consortium of business a health organization in this state that's given statutory authority by new york. they represent all the healthcare stakeholders in our community. they also represent labor unions. they represent the religious organizations, minority communities, et cetera. we have figured out how to collaborate in rochester. common ground is the key to that. what we'd like to b